"Hey! My name is kelsea Arbour. I'm from a a small town on Vancouver island in Canada. And my #1 dream is to meet Justin. I've been a Belieber ever since one time came up on my tv. I've been here supporting justin through Absolutely everything. I've never gotten the chance to go to his "my world" tour. But I'm so blessed and grateful that I get the chance to go to his believe concert in Vancouver oct 10th. And you don't know how much it would mean to me if I was able to meet justin while he was in Vancouver. I've seriously been planning the day I meet Justin for 3 years now. What I would say, how I would act. Everything. And I can say my life hasent been all that easy. I've gone through a lot of ups and downs through my life. And when I was going through hard times.. I would turn on one of Justin's albums, and it was like all my troubles went away, and that nothin that was going in I'm my life mattered because hearing Justin's music always made me happy. So yeah. This is why I want to meet my idol. He has changed my life. And I want to meet him personally to tell him that. So I hope you can help me. Because if you did, you would make me the happiest girl in the world. Thank you. <3 -@KelseaArbour "

" http://tl.gd/jor2jd I think this is so sweet if you to have this website so there's my story ❤"



Hi guys. I'm Monika. I'm 15. I guess I'm writing this because of @justinbieber and my story. Every Belieber has a story and I guess this is mine. Growing up wasn't the easiest. I didn't come from a wealthy family. We had to work for everything. We had to earn it. We still do. I was always teased by the popular girls out back. They would tease me because I didn't have the latest things, like them. I admit I wasn't wealthy, but I was grateful. I had only 1 true friend, but it didn't matter because I was so young. Soon we moved to the current house we live in today. I thought it was a new start. It was summertime so I just did what any normal little kid would do. Soon school started. I also began dancing. The first couple years were okay. Soon the kids started teasing me. They teased me because I was smart. They called me me names, especially teacher's pet. I couldn't help it. I was raised to do everything to my best ability, and to help and to put others before myself. They also teased me on my weight. Someone came up with the nickname Chubby Bunny, and that's what they called me. I remember days I would come home crying because they teased me so much. My mother was always there to comfort me. My mother was my best friend. I could tell her anything. She knew me like a book. Like the back of her hand. I would cry myself to sleep some nights. I won't lie about that. The bullying escalated. I was soon being physically bullied. They would beat me up, throw me in trash cans and everything. One day my mother was feeling ill and was cooking and accidently cut her hand and the bleeding wouldn't stop. So we took her the doctor. He told my sister to take her to the emergency room because she had lost a lot of blood and needed a blood transfusion. I couldn't go with them. That evening I sat outside crying and drawing. I didn't care if anyone saw me cry because they have all seen it before. That night I laid on my mom's side of the bed. That didn't help, I couldn't sleep. All I thought about was my mom. I cried all night. My dad couldn't even comfort me. The next day we went to visit my mom. They had given her the blood transfusion, but they wouldn't let her go. They felt something else was wrong. They wanted to run more tests. So they did. After that my world came crashing down. On July 15, 2008 my mom was diagnosed with cervical cancer. I knew my mom wouldn't be with us forever. I didn't think it would be that soon though. I never told anyone about my mom having cancer. I didn't want to give them another reason to bully me. I had to learn how to balance school, dancing, and my mom and family. I had to stay in most of the time to take care of my mom, since no one would be home. I never really went out. I didn't have many friends. Of course at school the bullying continued. They found out my mom had cancer. They would tease me saying oh i have cancer because my mom did.Almost a year later my mother passed away. I was 11 at the time. The day was May 18, 2009. I was asleep while it happened. I never got to say goodbye to her. It still kills me today. My mother did not get to see me graduate from 8th grade. Soon after my mom's passing, I became depressed, and I stopped dancing. I started cutting. Even while all this was happening, they still bullied. They started to call me worse names, teased me more about my weight. I developed an eating disorder.I remember I did make myself throw up because I felt fat, and sick. That's what an eating disorder does. Even if you are skinny it makes you feel bigger and makes you think differently. I admit I did have suicidal thoughts. Some nights I did want to kill myself. I used to lock myself in my room. I wouldn't eat or drink, or do anything. I would just sit and cry and listen to the radio, and cut myself to get rid of the pain I felt. One day I heard, the song "One Time" and I instantly fell in love. I guess from there I became a Belieber. I never regret it. At all. I followed Justin's music after that. his music was there when no one else was. His music spoke to me. I would walk around singing his songs. I was dedicated. Everyone knew that. For that they started bullying me. They bullied me for loving Justin. They beat me up, said he would never love me. They said he wouldn't want a piece of trash like me as a Belieber. They said I don't deserve to meet him, that he wouldn't want to meet me anyway. They told me to kill myself. I remember one summer, my best friend turned against me and turned everyone against me. I had no friends left. At all. They would literally wait until I came outside, and they would try to jump me. That's why I never went out because they would say stuff and try to hurt me. I couldn't even go for a walk. They knew what would get to me. They knew my weakness was Justin. So they teased me about it. I remember one day I sat outside on my steps looking through a magazine my sister got me, and I was pulling out the posters and pictures of Justin, and they came and took them and ripped them and threw them at my face. Through all this I just kept putting on a brave face. I still tried to cut myself. I still loved Justin. Through Justin over the years I learned a lot. I learned to kill them with kindness. He helped me stop cutting. He helped me overcome my eating disorder. He saved my life. He made me realize that there is more to life. He taught me to reach for my dreams. To never say never. Go big or go home. He is my hero.I can never repay him enough. He has made me the person I am today. Yes I do get bullied because I support him, they throw me into my locker and throw stuff at me. But no matter what I still support Justin, through the pain and hurt. Recently my dad has gotten really ill, and I had to take care of him. I also have to take care of my sister who is on bedrest. She is 28 and she is pregnant and the baby is laying on her cervix which is causing bleeding. The baby is okay and healthy but we don't know about her. I'm trying my best to take care of them. They are the only ones I have left. I'm taking everything one step at a time and Justin is helping. I can never afford to see him live, or meet him whenever he comes to Philly. We can never afford it. I don't mind because I love supporting him. I would love if my first concert was his, but I have a feeling that won't be anytime soon. But before that, I will always support Justin no matter what. He is my everything. I made a promise, and I intend on keeping it. I am never leaving his side. Through everything, I will always be there. Yes, everyday is still a struggle. With bullying, I still have the urge to cut but I think of Justin and how would he feel if knew I was hurting myself. I take everyday one day at a time. I'm not writing this to get sympathy or attention. I'm simply writing this because this is my story. I love my Belieber family. My love for Justin grows daily. My love for him is infinite. Once a Belieber, always a Belieber. Thank you for reading. You can follow me here @ReverieKidrauhl . I love you all so much<3"

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